Did you know...
In 2018 Southern Baptist Churches reported their lowest number of baptisms since 1950.
Only 11% of Churches are experiencing "healthy growth".
It currently takes about 85 people 1 year to win 1 person to Christ.
Giving in Churches has dropped so quickly the only other time in history that rivals this rapid decrease was during the Great Depression.
85% of millennials, America's largest generation, are unchurched.
Approximately 4,000 Churches close every year.
Did you know...
There are proven biblical solutions to bring revitalization to your Church.
There is hope for pastors and leadership to reunite and refocus on being the Church.
Your church can grow again and be a source of new life.
You can contact us today and schedule a 3 hour seminar for your church's leadership team. Don't keep doing the same things hoping for better results. Find effective Church ministry today!
"For years I have spent studying and working with churches in need of revitalization. There are​ simple, yet profound, biblical principles that many churches have simply lost over time. It is my passion to see churches reclaim their effectiveness in ministry by returning to the principles that make a church an effective church." - Jason Bay
In one 3 hour session Jason can help you begin to reunite and refocus on principles that foster revitalization.
In one 3 hour session Jason can outline for you the principles to develop a clear strategic plan in order to provide a Christ centered direction for the future.
Our promise is that finances, or lack there of, will never prevent us from helping any Church. "God has given me the opportunity to learn these effective principles and it is my passion to share with whomever and wherever God leads regardless of the financial situation. The future of the Church demands we work together and help one another by the power of the Holy Spirit to transform a culture in desperate need of redemption." Fill out our contact form to schedule your first 3 hour "Church Revitalization in a Changing Culture" seminar.