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Dr. Jason Bay started pastoring as he finished his undergraduate degree at Texas A&M in 1999.  After first pastoring a small growing church outside of College Station while simultaneously finishing his MDiv at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Jason married Kim and they moved to Waco to pastor full-time at Timber Crest Baptist Church.  

Timber Crest grew at a record pace as new ministries were developed and many families came to know Christ.  While at Timber Crest, new building plans were initiated as the church broke all attendance records.  However, in the midst of this great church growth, Jason and his family experienced an unfortunate automobile related tragedy that shook his entire family to the core.  After much prayer, they moved to be closer to family and refocus on what God had for the future.

Once back in Huntsville, Jason started a ministry outreach named Texas Christian Horse Camp.  TCHC reached many young people for Christ, teaching horseback riding while sharing the gospel.  While building and ministering at TCHC, Jason pastored First Baptist Church Dodge.  FBC Dodge grew tremendously, underwent three building programs debt free, experienced a record number of baptisms, and grew to its largest.

In 2014, Jason once again surrendered to full-time pastoring when he took the senior pastor position at First Baptist Church of Huntsville. Though a hard decision, because it meant giving up the ministry of TCHC, it proved to be the right decision as God blessed the church tremendously.  While at Huntsville, the church grew adding over 200 new members in the first three years of ministry.  Jason helped the church through strategic leadership planning to refocus on outreach and leadership development.  Through these efforts this 175 year old church experienced much revitalization.  FBC Huntsville began a weekly radio program "Beyond the Walls" on the local radio station, performed local school ministry outreach through the "Adopt-a-School" program, and initiated a prison outreach that saw many baptized while incarcerated.

Currently, Jason continues to pastor at FBC Huntsville, where the church continues to grow.  In addition to pastoring, Jason has a great passion to help churches in need of revitalization.  Jason has spent years training under some of the nations leading experts in church health, church growth, and church revitalization.  Jason has worked with numerous churches in order to develop proven strategic planning methods to foster revitalization.  Jason lives outside of Huntsville with his wife Kim and their ten children.  They love spending time together on the horse ranch and doing ministry together.  Jason recently finished his doctorate at Dallas Theological Seminary and looks forward to writing in the near future.  Jason preaches passionate sermons rooted in the Word of God.  It is his mission to "live life reflecting the God who is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or even imagine".

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